Product Description
Make that special someone smile with this beloved bouquet! Playful pink roses and radiant red carnations and alstroemeria look oh-so wonderful in this hand-painted pink ceramic vase, adorned with a charming "loved" heart charm.
Make that special someone smile with this beloved Valentine's bouquet! Playful pink roses and radiant red carnations and alstroemeria look oh-so wonderful in this hand-painted pink ceramic vase, adorned with a charming "loved" heart charm.
Make that special someone smile with this beloved Valentine's bouquet! Playful pink roses and radiant red carnations and alstroemeria look oh-so wonderful in this hand-painted pink ceramic vase, adorned with a charming "loved" heart charm.
This bouquet features pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, pink miniature carnations, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Playfully Pink vase.
This bouquet features pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, pink miniature carnations, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Playfully Pink vase.
This bouquet features pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, pink miniature carnations, dusty miller, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a Playfully Pink vase.
- Orientation: All-Around